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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 542
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Chapter 542

Meanwhile, Philip and Wynn arrived at the hospital, where they treated their wounds. Wynn was very worried. Looking at Philip,

she asked, “Did those men say that you lost access to the family funds?” In other words, her husband was now penniless and

broke, right? Wynn was worried that Philip would do something irrational as a result. Philip held Wynn’s soft little hand and said

with a gentle smile, “It’s alright, don’t worry. At the worst, we’ll just start over. We made it this far, haven’t we? I can solve any

problem as long as I have you.” Wynn smiled, tears in her eyes. Her heart was full as she leaned into Philip’s chest, saying, “If it

really comes down to that, honey, I’ll resign from the company, and we can move out of the villa. I think my mom has some

money too, so we can buy another house and start a small breakfast shop. How does that sound?” Philip hugged Wynn and

nodded. “Sure, sounds good.” ‘Don’t worry, honey, we’ll be fine. ‘I’ll sweep away every obstacle in your path. ‘Even without the

support of the Clarkes, I am far from good-for-nothing trash.’ The next day. Wynn went to work, while Philip went to the largest

hotel in Riverdale. In the presidential suite. Philip met Buffer. Last night, Philip had issued Buffer an emergency summons. Buffer

did not come to Riverdale for the Yates family fiasco last time because of Jess’s choice. When he saw Philip this time, Buffer

looked quite excited. He held his arms out wide and gave Philip a big hug, saying, “Oh, my dear Master Clarke! I’m so glad to

finally see you!” Philip smiled and went straight to the point. “I want to activate all of the resources you’ve arranged in this country

over the years, Buffer.” “All of them?” Buffer looked at Philip in confusion. “All of them.” Philip repeated. Buffer thought it over and

said with some hesitation, “My dear Master Clarke, I am your personal butler, and you are the only reason I managed to make it

big in the finance world. I will naturally heed your every order. Nevertheless, I must remind you that it’s not time to activate all

your resources here yet. It will be detrimental to your master plan. Are you certain?” “I am!” Philip said in all seriousness. As long

as it was for Wynn, he could do anything. He would even give her the world if she wanted it!

After so many years of preparation, it was time for him to show his hand!

Upon leaving the presidential suite, Philip made a beeline for Beacon. Wynn was in the conference room right now, faced with a

terrible headache. She was being confronted by all sides. The members of the company board were all here. Led by the

Michaels, they were pushing her to immediately announce the distribution of profits for the new drug. Blake took the main seat,

sitting there nonchalantly as he looked at Wynn, who was trembling with rage. He scoffed, “You have to give me a proper answer

today, Madam Johnston. All our clients have suspended their contracts and our producers have stopped production as well. Right

now, Beacon is sitting on a very short fuse.” He did not even bother veiling his threat. “That’s right, Madam Johnston, everyone’s

waiting for your decision.” “Hmph, she’s nothing more than a mascot. We only nominated her back then to be our puppet. Do you

really think she can save the company?” “She’s just like her husband, they’re both trash! Resign! Not everyone can be the

chairperson willy-nilly, you know.” Suddenly, the members of the board were all taunting her, their words sharp and ruthless.

Wynn’s body was shaking. Right now, she was isolated and on her own amidst the rain of insults. “Sorry, everyone, but we’re

coming up with a plan right now. Trust me, there will soon be new clients and producers for us. Miss Cain is negotiating new

contracts as we speak.” Wynn tried to explain with a smile. However, all she received in return were cool looks of disbelief. Blake

harrumphed. “Stop trying to lie through your teeth, Madam Johnston. The Capital City Clarke Group’s investments have been

frozen as well, and the company has completely halted in its tracks. If Michaels Corp pulls out as well, Beacon is done for.

As for you, Wynn Johnston, you’ll be swamped in court cases and might even end up in jail. Don’t you know?” Wynn was

extremely agitated right now, but she had to tolerate it. Her eyes moist, she bowed her head and said,

“Please don’t pull out now, Mr. Michaels. You’re a part of Beacon as well, and we should be working together. Trust me, as long

as we present a united front, we will definitely be able to get through this crisis.” “In that case, please beg me on your knees,

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Madam Johnston,” Blake suddenly said coldly. All the older men in the conference room instantly looked at Wynn sardonically.

They were like man-eating demons now, waiting to eat up the tantalizingly beautiful Wynn Johnston. Wynn was on the verge of

angry tears. How could these people be so shameless?! Even now, they were threatening her with the company. Wynn was

helpless, and behind her, Mindy was on the verge of breaking down too. “Are you saying you won’t pull out your investments if I

beg you on my knees?” Wynn asked. “That’s right. If you get on your knees and crawl over to me, begging, the Michaels won’t

end our deal,” Blake said confidently, his eyes filled with greed.

“Fine!” Wynn said through clenched teeth after a pause. She then resisted the psychological torture and prepared to bend her

knees. The old men just smiled at her coldly, their eyes betraying their greed as they stared at her.

All of a sudden! Someone kicked the conference room door wide open!

“Who dares to make my wife beg?!” Philip’s rage rolled off him in waves, his eyes burning and

bloodshot as he stood at the door, looking around at everyone in the room! The board was enraged

when Philip barged in all of a sudden. “Who allowed you to come in? Get out! Security, get him out

now!” Blake was the first one to say something. He was filled with rage. As for Philip, he had already

asked his people to investigate him. He was just Wynn’s useless husband. He depended on his woman

and he also got into Beacon by using the backdoor. Based on this, Wynn was not a good person as

well. However, Philip scanned everyone at the scene coldly and yelled,

“I’ll kill anyone who dared to ask my wife to kneel!” His statement shocked the entire room. The

coldness radiating from his entire body was scaring everyone on the board. None of them said

anything. Mindy stood at the door and looked at Philip’s powerful back. She felt ripples in her heart.


Philip was so cool! He looked so domineering! How manly! Wynn was so lucky to have a husband like

him. Wynn looked at Philip aggrievedly. She held back her tears. Just now, she almost knelt to beg

them. She felt safe with Philip’s sudden appearance. “Philip, this is a meeting for the board.

You should get out.” Wynn knew what was important and what was not.

She said in a soft voice. Then, Blake took the lead and slammed his hand down on the table. The

teacup on the table jumped up. He roared, “Madam Johnston, is this how your husband should treat

us? Does he know what we’re doing here? He’s just an assistant and he has the audacity to barge into

the meeting room to yell at us! How rebellious!” “You’re just a piece of trash and you don’t even know

your position. Get out!” “Madam Johnston, if you don’t give us an appropriate explanation today, we’ll

take back our funding!” “Right, apologize to us now!” In an instant, everyone on the board was starting

to gang up to attack and humiliate Philip. Wynn was frantic. She grabbed Philip and said to everyone

on the board apologetically,

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’ll ask him to leave now.” However, a cold and overbearing voice sounded in

the meeting room. “Beacon will not collapse even if all of you took back your funding! Beacon will not

prosper with all of you losers here!” Philip said calmly. There was a coldness in his eyes.

Wynn was stunned. How could her husband say something like this? Did he know that these people

were the core of Beacon? If he offended them and they all took back their funding, Beacon would be

done for! She tugged on Philip’s arm. She wanted to say something, but the latter gave her an

extremely reassuring gaze and said, “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of this for you.” Could her husband

really take care of this? Did he not have his authority to dispose of his assets frozen by his family? The

members of the board started to chuckle coldly after hearing what Philip said. He was overestimating

his own capabilities. Blake smirked and said, “Alright, you’re just a useless piece of trash who depends

on your woman and you have the cheek to say something like this. I can’t wait. I want to see where

Beacon will get three billion bucks for the new investment without the financial support of the Michaels.”

After he said that, Blake got up angrily.

He was ready to leave. Behind him, all of the members of the board started to get up respectively. They

threw down the documents in their hands and said, “We’re taking back our funding as well!” “The

Montgomerys are taking back our funding!” “I, Ken Valerio, am also taking back my funding!” “I, Dirk

Montoya, am taking back my funding too!” In a blink of an eye, more than ten directors all announced

their withdrawals! This was a catastrophic incident for Beacon! Wynn was frantic. She chased after the

directors to explain herself. However, Philip said calmly, “I hope you won’t regret this. Don’t come back

and beg my wife to take back your investments.” “Hehe, what a joke! I want to see what a kid who

depends on a woman like you can do!” Blake chortled and left the meeting room with everyone. Wynn

started crying after she watched more than ten directors leave the meeting room angrily. The huge

pressure in her heart collapsed instantly. Philip walked over and held Wynn. He comforted, “Don’t

worry, darling. I’ll take care of this for you.” Wynn buried her head in Philip’s chest and cried sadly. She

said, “Philip, why did you do that? Do you know that the company will be finished if they withdraw their

funding? Over a hundred employees in the company will be finished!” At this moment, Wynn was not

worried about herself, but instead, she was worried about the company and the employees. Philip held

Wynn tightly and said, “It’s okay. I’m here.”

Wynn pushed Philip away and looked at him tearfully. She said, “Can you really do it? Didn’t you say

that you don’t have the authority to dispose of your assets anymore? That’s three billion bucks!” How

could Wynn stay calm? All of the directors withdrew their fundings in a blink of an eye. They still

needed funding of three billion bucks. Beacon would be done after this split. Did Philip have so much

money? Philip caressed her hair and smiled gently. He said, “Don’t worry. I know a friend who might be

able to help.”

“Friend? What friend? Can they really help me?” Wynn wiped away her tears and asked emotionally.

“Yeah.” Philip nodded and said, “He’s my old friend. I’ll contact him later.” The commotion in the

meeting room had traveled through the entire company. In that instance, everyone felt as if they were in

danger. They were even more enraged especially when they knew that the directors withdrew their

fundings because of that spineless coward Philip. “F*ck! How can a bum who depends on his woman

say that?”

“Right! That piece of trash is going to kill us all! Beacon is finished!” “I don’t know what Madam

Johnston is thinking. She just had to hire that piece of trash. How many troubles had he caused?” The

entire company was engaged in a heated discussion. All of them were criticizing and blaming Philp.

They even started to criticize Wynn. When they saw Philip and Wynn walking out from the meeting

room and arriving at the workspace, they started mocking and ridiculing. “You piece of trash! You

incompetent bungler!” “A useless bum like him shouldn’t appear in our company. Please fire him!”

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“Madam Johnston, I’m ready to resign!” In an instant, everyone started talking at the same time. A lot of

the old employees wanted to resign.

They were using this to threaten Wynn so that she would fire Philip.

Everyone was worried. They were certain that Beacon was finished. Wynn knew that the company was

faced with a huge problem now. Was it enough to just depend on Philip? Could his friend really invest

three billion in one go? “Anyone who wants to resign, please go to the HR department to get three

months of salary in advance. I won’t keep you guys so that I won’t hinder your futures. Of course,

anyone who’s willing to stay and fight with Beacon will get shares and a dividend if Beacon remains.”

Wynn said. She bowed and apologized before leaving the office with Philip. It was so depressing. She

did not want to stay there any longer. When she got back home, Wynn told Martha and Charles about

what happened in the company.

She wanted them to be mentally prepared for what was about to happen.

“Wynn, are you insane? How can you listen to that spineless coward? Who is he to make decisions for you?” “If the company is

finished, then all of us will be finished as well! It’s all that bum’s fault!” Martha was livid. She kept on berating Philip who was

standing at one side. Philip was sensible.

He just stood there without saying anything. Wynn said calmly, “I’ll handle what’s going on in the company. I told you so that you

can be mentally prepared. Plus, you can’t blame Philip for this. Those people are such insufferable bullies.” When Martha heard

this, she burst out laughing from anger. Her face turned green and she shrieked at Phillip while pointing at him, “What are you

looking at? It’s all because of you, you useless bum! I wanted to treat you better now that you have money. Well, great! Now that

you can’t even dispose of your assets. If you’re not a useless bum, who is?

Get out now! Get out of my house now!” Wynn was feeling horrible now. She looked at Philip, her husband. Since she decided to

believe him, then she should side with him. “Mom, can you stop being so unreasonable?”

Wynn said in disgust, “I was the one who made that decision. It has nothing to do with Philip. Plus, what does it have to do with

you whether Philip has money or not? You’ll treat him good if he has money, and if he doesn’t have money, you won’t even admit

that he’s your son-in-law? Philip was the one who bought this villa!” Martha was so mad she started hitting her chest and

stomping her foot. She yelled, “You thankless wench! I shouldn’t have let you marry this useless bum if I knew this would happen!

I don’t care! This has nothing to do with our family! Ask him to get out! He’ll be responsible for anything that happens! If they

wanted to arrest someone, they should arrest him!” Wynn knew if she told Martha what happened at the meeting, she would

destroy this family. She would even kick Philip out. “Mom, enough. This has nothing to do with Philip!” Wynn said coldly. Slap!

Martha was enraged. She slapped Wynn heavily across the face. Then, she pointed at her nose and shrieked, “Nonsense! You’re

still protecting him!

Do you even care about your father and me? If they arrest you, what are we going to do?” Martha was too emotional. She was

also on the verge of an emotional breakdown. Philip watched as this happened. His expression was as cold as ice. He walked

forward and roared, “Martha Yates, stop this!”

She was so unreasonable that she even slapped Wynn! “Why are you being so aggressive? This is my house! My name is under

this house! It’s none of your business if I want to slap my daughter!” Martha had completely lost it.

She started yelling like a shrew. At that moment, an unknown rage rose to Philip’s head. He could not stand this anymore! Slap!

A heavy slap landed directly on Martha’s face. The sound of the slap reverberated across the entire villa. “Martha Yates, you’re

digging your own grave!” Philip yelled.

His eyes were red and it was filled with wrath!