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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 545
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Chapter 545

Buffer hesitated. After a pause, he said, “Miss Johnston, these funds are mine. They have nothing to do with Mr. Clarke.” Wynn’s

heart settled back into her chest. Phew, and here she thought her husband had… “Anyway, thank you for believing in me, Mr.

Buffer. I will not let you down.” Wynn quickly signed the contract and then left the building with it, perfectly ecstatic. When she

arrived downstairs, she saw Philip waiting by the curb.

It seemed he had been there for some time now. “How did it go?” Philip saw how dejected Wynn looked and thought for a

moment that Buffer had not agreed to invest in Beacon. Wynn took a second to recover, but then she jogged up to him like a

lively little college girl, the type that won the hearts of every boy on campus. She jumped into Philip’s arms and gave him a huge

hug. “We did it, we did it! A three-billion-dollar investment, and we signed off on it!” Wynn was extremely excited, like a teenage

girl at her birthday party. “That’s good to hear! Come on, let’s go home.” Philip hugged Wynn, feeling her petite body in his

embrace. Again, he could not help but wonder at his wife’s beautiful body. He was very reluctant to eventually let go of her.

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Wynn’s little face was red to the roots of her ears. She jumped into the car and headed right back to the company. When she

returned and announced that exciting piece of news, the entire company erupted into a furor. The receptionist Houston had

planted in the company immediately reported the news to Houston once she received it. Houston and the others were still eating

and drinking in the room they booked. When he received the report, he was struck dumb. He then roared, “How can this be?!

Who dares to give Wynn Johnston that investment?! That’s three f*cking billion, not small change!” Houston’s exclamation left the

rest of the room silent.

Blake’s expression was dark as he asked, “What happened, Houston? Did Johnston get a new

investor?” Houston did not look pleased at all either as he nodded. “Yeah. She received an investment

of three billion dollars, Dad.”

The atmosphere in the room went a little askew at that. Blake looked ready to kill, but he was also

confused. “But how? Who would dare to invest in Beacon now? Aren’t they worried about offending our

patron?” Blake also could not compute the part where a random stranger turned up and immediately

invested three billion dollars! “Sorry, everyone. I have some business to take care of, so I’ll take my

leave now.” Blake was in a hurry to leave. This sudden and unwelcome intrusion left him in a very foul


He had to consult Madam Wallis right away. Their banquet had lost its original intention, and several of

Beacon’s board members exchanged looks.

They never expected Beacon to suddenly find a new investor either. Was this investor not afraid of

retribution from the Michaels’ patron and supporter? “What now?” Someone asked. “We’ll wait and

see.” Someone else replied. Not long after Blake left, Houston also walked out of the room in a rage.

“It’s that f*cking Philip Clarke again! Who the hell is he?” A few minutes ago, Houston had received

word that Philip was the reason Beacon managed to secure that investment. “What’s the matter,

Housey? Why the temper?” Shirley had just stepped out of the car. When she saw how angry Houston

looked, she ran right up to him, crashing into him chest-first.

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Houston grabbed her chest viciously and said, “Why do you think? It’s that Philip again, of course! Always going against me!

Beacon only found a new investor this time through his connections. I can’t believe that trash knows anyone worth anything.” “I

don’t really get it, Housey. Philip is just a nobody employee and a useless man who relies on his wife, to boot. Why is he always

going against you? Isn’t he scared at all?” Shirley asked. Houston was furious. Taking a dreg of a cigarette, he spat, “I’ll get that

f*cker some day!” Shirley’s mind whirred, and she said in a whisper, “Actually, Housey, I know some people… Shall we teach him

a lesson he won’t forget out there?” Her suggestion made sense to him, so he hurriedly asked, “Who do you know? How good

are they?” “Don’t worry! I just got to know them a few days ago, and they’re pretty famous in Riverdale. Apparently they have

thirty or forty men under them,” said Shirley. “Sounds good, call them right now!” Houston desperately wanted to teach Philip a

lesson. If possible, he wanted to make Philip disappear from Riverdale forever! Shirley made the call and said with a sweet smile,

“Karl, do you remember me?” “And you are?” said a deep voice from the other one. “It’s me, Shirley.” Shirley glanced at Houston

next to her and laughed. “Oh, I was hoping to ask you for a favor. My boss wants to meet you.” “Oh? Okay, just name your


There was a deep chuckle in her ear. “Alright, then let’s meet at the Chinese place at Towerview Street later.” Shirley hung up

and gestured ‘okay’ to Houston.