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The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate

Chapter 414
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Louis was just shooting the breeze with the guests in the hall when he caught sight of Brandon. A flicker of confusion crossed his

eyes, but he quickly made his apologies to the guests and waded through the crowd towards Brandon.

It wasn't until Louis planted himself in front of Brandon that he noticed Theresa, the little girl Brandon was holding hands with.

Louis paused mid-step, his gaze fixated on Theresa.

With her big, round eyes, Theresa was sizing up the hall, a mix of confusion and curiosity in her gaze. There was something

inexplicably familiar and tranquil about her that took Louis aback.

Brandon's eyes had been doing a lap around the hall before they finally settled on Louis standing before him.

The surprise in Louis' expression had Brandon furrowing his brow slightly. He followed Louis' gaze down to Theresa, still peering

around with beautiful, wide eyes and a hint of familiar quiet cuteness on her upturned little face.

Brandon shot a look at Louis.

Just then, Louis caught Brandon's inquiring look and sheepishly smiled back, before breezing over, "Hey Brandon, what brings you

here today?"

While chatting, he couldn't help but sneak a peek at Theresa, "And who's this?"

"My daughter, Theresa," Brandon introduced her in a calm voice.

Louis’ expression shifted just a tad, "Since when do you have a daughter?"

Brandon didn't answer, instead bending down to lift Theresa into his arms and softly telling her, "Theresa, it's Grandpa Louis."

Obediently, Theresa called out "Grandpa Louis," her voice sweet and soft, causing Louis to look a bit stunned once more.

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Up on stage, Martin noticed Louis zoning out big tand couldn't just stand by. He hurried down from the stage and only noticed

Theresa in Brandon's arms when he got close, which made him stop in his tracks. He then shifted his gaze between Brandon and

Theresa, sizing them both up.

Brandon whispered to Theresa, "Call him ‘Uncle Martin'."

Maybe it was Martin's chilly vibe, but Theresa seemed a bit shy, though she still timidly called out, "Uncle Martin."

Martin turned to Brandon, "Your daughter?"


It was a brief and indifferent response.

Martin's mind immediately went to Sophia, but he didn't feel it was his place to pry if she was Sophia's kid. With a forced smile, he

asked, "Got sfree ttoday, huh?"

"Just here to check things out," Brandon said, his eyes still darting around the crowd, though Sophia was nowhere to be seen. His

brow creased slightly.

Martin inquired, "Looking for someone?"

"Nope," Brandon replied shortly, pulling his gaze back.

Most of the guests around recognized Brandon and were surprised to see him with a little girl in tow. They couldn't help but switch

their gazes between him and Theresa.

The more outgoing ones had already stepped up to say hello.

Brandon responded with polite nods.

Seeing the bidding event kicking off, Martin excused himself after telling Brandon to make himself at home, and returned to the


Louis stuck around, his eyes still glued on Theresa.

"Who's the kid's mom?" Louis asked.

Before the words had fully left his lips, Theresa piped up, "My mom's nis Sophia."

Surprise flickered through Louis' eyes.

On the stage, Martin had already grabbed the mic and started his opening speech.

The once lively hall instantly hushed.

Louis suggested to Brandon with a smile, "Let's find a seat."

Brandon nodded and sat down in the back row with Theresa in his lap.

Louis took a seat nearby.

As the crowd quieted down, Brandon didn't spot Sophia but did catch sight of Marian being called to the stage by Martin.

Martin was talking about the project's initial purpose.

The concept image of the project was up on the big screen behind him, nothing much to look at.

After wrapping up the intro, Martin moved on to a grand introduction of Marian, the chief designer, under the alias "Yolanda."

The n"Yolanda" made Brandon frown the moment it left Martin's mouth.

Marian's smile twitched, but she gracefully bowed and thanked everyone.

"This project is a special gift from my sister to my grandpa and grandma, a heartfelt gesture to make their dream ctrue,"

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Martin told the audience. As he spoke, his long fingers hit the keyboard, and the concept image on the big screen switched to the

project's renderings, prompting gasps of amazement and a thunderous applause from the audience.

Marian turned in confusion to the screen and her face changed abruptly when she saw the renderings. She reached to flick the

PowerPoint to the next slide, but it was too late. Brandon and Theresa just happened to look up, and the familiar design hit them,

prompting Brandon to stand up suddenly.

Sophia, having dealt with a stain, and Ivan had just entered through a side door. When Sophia instinctively glanced at the lit-up big

screen, she stopped dead in her tracks.

Ivan looked back at her, puzzled, "What's up?"

Sophia didn't say a word, just stood there, frozen, staring at the renderings on the big screen.





