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The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate

Chapter 470
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Sophia's lips quivered slightly, but she didn't speak a word.

Brandon didn't add anything else.

He finished his meal in no time.

"Go get changed, I'll wait for you downstairs," he told Sophia, who had also finished eating, as he casually cleared away their


Sophia gave a small nod.

After she changed her clothes and cdownstairs, Brandon was already outside, car ready and waiting.

He popped open the passenger door as she approached.

Sophia pulled the door and hopped in.

"Theresa still out like a light?" he asked casually, as she buckled up.

Sophia nodded lightly, "Yeah, she's still snoozing."

Brandon nodded back, "She's been sleeping in late these days."

The engine roared to life.

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"She always does this when it's chilly. Likes to catch sextra Z's in the morning," Sophia added softly, "And she's still little, so |

don't fuss over it much. Let her sleep as long as she wants."

Brandon nodded again.

The ride was filled with light, parent-like chatter about kid stuff, a stark contrast to the silence that had hung between them just a

few days ago. The air was definitely lighter now.

Kids really are the ultimate ice-breakers in a relationship.

As for the whole lovey-dovey stuff, the Yolanda , and thinking about the future - they didn't touch on any of that again.

It seemed that coexisting for the sake of Theresa wasn't such a bad deal, as long as the Crawleys weren't stirring the pot and her

family kept out of it.

Sophia was just left with a tinge of regret, that's all.

When they got to the office, they took the elevator up together, sas always.

The elevator stopped on the seventeenth floor, and Brandon made a lunch date, "Let's grab lunch together, shall we?"

Sophia nodded quietly, without a word.

Don just happened to cout of the office area, looked up, saw the thaw in their interactions, and breathed a sigh of relief. He

waved at them with a big, friendly smile.


Sophia smiled back with a "Morning," and stepped out of the elevator.

Brandon simply looked at Don calmly, his gaze slowly drifting back to Sophia's retreating figure, until the elevator doors gently

closed. The calm on his handsface slowly faded, turning more serious and somber.

Back at the office, Kent was already there, busy at his computer.

"Cto my office for a sec," Brandon said, tapping lightly on Kent's desk as he passed by.

"Sure thing," Kent quickly stood up and followed Brandon into the office.

"Mr. Crawley, is there something you need?" Kent asked.

"How's the Zenithan-style resort project coming along?" asked Brandon, reaching for a cup on his desk and heading towards the

water cooler.

"Everything is moving along smoothly," Kent followed Brandon's movements with his eyes.

"Are you sure?"

Brandon's voice was light, he didn't even turn around, but Kent caught a hint of skepticism, his heart skipping a beat, instinctively

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glancing at Brandon. "I've been tied up with overseas investments for the past couple of weeks, | haven't had the chance to check

the site personally, but there don't seem to be any issues according to the chief engineer's weekly progress and summary reports."

Brandon turned to look at him, "Did you know Sophia was out at the site for a week?"

Kent was caught off guard. He wasn't aware of this, nobody from the site had reported it to him.

Neither Sophia nor Don had mentioned it to him.

"What would require a designer to stay on site for a whole week?" Brandon asked.





