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The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate

Chapter 526
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Kent's brain went blank for a sec as he peeled off his jacket and asked in a panic, "How did Mr. Crawley end up in the river?"

Daniel replied, "Sophia fell in."

Without a second thought, he chucked his coat aside and took a dive into the water. Next to a pillar, he saw Brandon being pulled

up from the depths by the crowd.

"Back off!" Brandon's eyes were bloodshot as he roared, desperately trying to break free from the grip of those holding him. But his

weakening body just couldn't fight them off.

"Mr. Crawley!" Kent called out to him urgently as he swam over to Brandon.

Brandon turned to him as if he had seen salvation, "Kent, helpsave her, quick!"

By the end of his plea, Brandon's voice was hoarse and trembling.

"Got it!" Kent choked back his own emotions and plunged back into the water.

Kent had never seen Brandon, who he'd been following for years, lose his cool or rely on someone else. This was a first, and it hit

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Kent hard, his throat constricted and his eyes watered with tears.

Brandon's state had him fearing the worst for Sophia.

The spotlight made the water clearer, but there was no sign of Sophia, not even a trace. Brandon dived back in too, his long arms

frantically cutting through the turbulent waves, moving like a madman, searching everywhere.

But the intense search drained him of his last bit of strength, and Kent could see Brandon slowing down, his eyelids drooping.

"Mr. Crawley!" Kent silently screamed, rushing to support his arm.

Brandon managed a glance and pushed up from underwater, leaning on Kent's arm.

"You keep looking!" He said weakly, using his last ounce of energy to swim to shore, only getting out with the help of others pulling


Once on land, he collapsed on the grass, panting heavily.

"Brandon! Brandon!" Daniel rushed over, grabbing his arm, "How are you holding up?"

Brandon shot him a fierce look and flung his hand away without a word, struggling to sit up. Daniel paused, but urgency took over,

and he moved to help Brandon again.

"Get lost!" Brandon hissed through gritted teeth, the exhaustion making even speaking a struggle.

Daniel's hand froze mid-air, his gaze complex as he looked at Brandon. Brandon didn’t look back, he just pushed himself up from

the ground with difficulty.

Hasty footsteps cfrom the entrance, along with the sound of Theresa's sobs. Brandon turned to see Susan and Grace rushing

over with Theresa, who was crying uncontrollably on Grace's shoulder despite their attempts to soothe her.

Susan, seeing Brandon's gaze, stopped in her tracks.

"I don't know why, but Theresa wouldn't stop crying in the car, so we had to bring her here," Susan said instinctively, then noticing

Brandon's soaked appearance, which seemed that he had just cout from the river, water dripping down from his hair and

clothes, his face pale, and eyes tear-filled.

She looked at Brandon, concerned. His gaze shifted to Theresa, who turned to him with uneasiness, her eyes red and swollen from

crying, her voice hoarse as she asked, "Daddy, where's mommy?"

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Susan saw Brandon's Adam's apple bob violently. He looked at Theresa, tears suddenly streaming down from his red eyes.

A sinking feeling hit Susan; she looked around but didn't see Sophia.

"Where's Sophia?" She asked urgently.

Brandon didn't respond, just stepped forward, embraced Theresa briefly, cheek to cheek, then quickly let go and, without

hesitation, dived back into the water.

Susan saw the tears on Theresa's cheeks, not knowing if they were her own or Brandon's.





