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The Returning EX (Sophia and John)

Chapter 1043
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Dylan frowned slightly, as he really didn’t know how to explain his relationship. “Maybe we are just not meant for

each other.” He sighed.

After all, it was really hard for two people that barely had feelings for each other to be forced to be together.

Although they were facing many problems, the two couldn’t communicate well, so it led to them fighting constantly.

Dylan obviously didn’t want to say that it was his problem, so Sophia nodded and sighed before she tried to give

him suggestions. “Try being more patient with her, as girls can be rather emotional from time to time. I think you

just have to let certain things slide sometimes.”

However, Dylan only nodded and didn’t say anything.

At this rate, Sophia felt like she had already completed her mission. “You should hurry up, then. I’ll just sit here for a

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little longer.”

Dylan hummed. “Be careful when you’re walking back.”

Then, he turned around and left while Sophia went back to the garden and sat down.

Maybe because it was very sunny that Sophia felt drowsy and fell asleep on the bench groggily for a while.

Then, her phone that she had placed by the side suddenly started ringing.

Sophia hurriedly took her phone to see a call from Logan and started chuckling when she recalled him complaining

last time.

After that, she accepted his call and greeted him


Logan sounded like he was in a good mood today. He asked Sophia what she was doing before telling her that he

was bored and was passing by her place, so he wanted to stop by to see her. Sophia looked happy as she grinned.

“Oh, yes please! Visit me! I’m really bored on my own.” Then, Logan asked her what she wanted to eat so that he

could buy it for her. He was indeed good to Sophia, treating her with love and care. Immediately, Sophia replied, “I

want to eat something spicy like spicy smoked duck or chicken wings.” Hearing the excitement in her voice, Logan

chuckled. “What a foodie.” Although he was complaining, he still replied, “I’ll be sure to buy them for you.” Sophia

gulped after hanging up. It might be due to her pregnancy, but she couldn’t stop salivating at the thought of food.

Sophia didn’t stay in the garden for too long as she quickly went back to the main building after that. Old Mrs.

Constance was in the kitchen preparing the menu for lunch, and she greeted Sophia when she saw her. “Sophia,

come here. What do you want to eat for lunch? The kitchen staff will prepare your food for you.” However, Sophia

waved her hands. “It’s alright. Logan will be coming over later along with my favorite food.

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” Old Mrs. Constance chuckled as she stared at Sophia. “You two are really close.” Indeed, Sophia didn’t have many

friends, so Logan was considered her closest friend. About twenty minutes later, Logan’s car came in before he got

out of the car and walked slowly toward the main building along with a bag of food. Maybe because Logan had

come over twice previously, he seemed way more at ease this time. Old Mrs. Constance was happy when she saw

Logan as it was only her and Sophia at home usually. It wasn’t like Sophia was boring, but Old Mrs. Constance

couldn’t help but feel lonely. Since Logan was a funny person, Old Mrs. Constance naturally enjoyed his presence.

The moment Logan entered the living room, Sophia could see that he was in a decent mood, so she smiled. “What

happened? Was Miss Hunt nice toward you again? Your grin is so wide it feels like your lips are about to crack

anytime soon.” Logan immediately touched his face. “Was it that obvious?” However, Sophia started laughing. From

Logan’s reaction, she could tell that he had been getting along with Lola, so she couldn’t help but probe, “So, how’s

your progress with Lola? Have you guys had any improvements in your relationship?”