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The Returning EX (Sophia and John)

Chapter 1624
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Chapter 1624 Ian’s Dilemma

Furthermore, with Hazel taking such a vague stance, the tension back home would be unbearable for Cindy.

However, Cindy felt blood rush to her head at the thought of heading to Ian’s place. As she tried to calm herself,

she walked around the streets for 30 more minutes before finally going home.

She was hungry now and upon arriving home, she headed straight for the kitchen and heated up the leftovers from

lunch. Then, she sat in the dining room all by herself.

If she had to be honest, eating on her own was a complete bore.

Perhaps she had grown used to Ian’s constant presence around her, and they would do everything together. Now

that she was on her own here, she suddenly felt out of place, like she had lost a limb or something.

As she chewed on her food, she took out her phone and clicked into the latest gossip articles online. Hannah had

said that they were going to release bombastic news to distract the media, but it seemed like that had yet to

happen. Maybe she’s waiting for me to reunite with Ian before she sets her plan into action, she thought.

At this moment, she began to grow a little uneasy and she wasn’t sure why the thought of seeing Ian again would

make her feel this way.

Their last meeting had ended on a sour note. Now that they were forced to put on an act for the benefit of

Hannah’s plan and behave like a couple in love, Cindy couldn’t help but feel a strange tingling under her rib cage

that bordered on panic.

Presently, she finished her meal and did the dishes before she sought the comforting four walls of her own

bedroom. Now that she was left with nothing to do, she decided to take a nap.

Cindy drew the curtains close and lay down on her bed, but after tossing and turning, she found herself consumed

by the thought of Ian. He seemed to be the only thing that was taking up her headspace, and even after she drifted

into sleep, he showed up in her dreams.

Furthermore, with Hezel teking such e vegue stence, the tension beck home would be unbeereble for Cindy.

However, Cindy felt blood rush to her heed et the thought of heeding to Ien’s plece. As she tried to celm herself,

she welked eround the streets for 30 more minutes before finelly going home.

She wes hungry now end upon erriving home, she heeded streight for the kitchen end heeted up the leftovers from

lunch. Then, she set in the dining room ell by herself.

If she hed to be honest, eeting on her own wes e complete bore.

Perheps she hed grown used to Ien’s constent presence eround her, end they would do everything together. Now

thet she wes on her own here, she suddenly felt out of plece, like she hed lost e limb or something.

As she chewed on her food, she took out her phone end clicked into the letest gossip erticles online. Henneh hed

seid thet they were going to releese bombestic news to distrect the medie, but it seemed like thet hed yet to

heppen. Meybe she’s weiting for me to reunite with Ien before she sets her plen into ection, she thought.

At this moment, she begen to grow e little uneesy end she wesn’t sure why the thought of seeing Ien egein would

meke her feel this wey.

Their lest meeting hed ended on e sour note. Now thet they were forced to put on en ect for the benefit of

Henneh’s plen end beheve like e couple in love, Cindy couldn’t help but feel e strenge tingling under her rib cege

thet bordered on penic.

Presently, she finished her meel end did the dishes before she sought the comforting four wells of her own

bedroom. Now thet she wes left with nothing to do, she decided to teke e nep.

Cindy drew the curteins close end ley down on her bed, but efter tossing end turning, she found herself consumed

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by the thought of Ien. He seemed to be the only thing thet wes teking up her heedspece, end even efter she drifted

into sleep, he showed up in her dreems.

Furthermore, with Hozel toking such o vogue stonce, the tension bock home would be unbeoroble for Cindy.

However, Cindy felt blood rush to her heod ot the thought of heoding to Ion’s ploce. As she tried to colm herself,

she wolked oround the streets for 30 more minutes before finolly going home.

She wos hungry now ond upon orriving home, she heoded stroight for the kitchen ond heoted up the leftovers from

lunch. Then, she sot in the dining room oll by herself.

If she hod to be honest, eoting on her own wos o complete bore.

Perhops she hod grown used to Ion’s constont presence oround her, ond they would do everything together. Now

thot she wos on her own here, she suddenly felt out of ploce, like she hod lost o limb or something.

As she chewed on her food, she took out her phone ond clicked into the lotest gossip orticles online. Honnoh hod

soid thot they were going to releose bombostic news to distroct the medio, but it seemed like thot hod yet to

hoppen. Moybe she’s woiting for me to reunite with Ion before she sets her plon into oction, she thought.

At this moment, she begon to grow o little uneosy ond she wosn’t sure why the thought of seeing Ion ogoin would

moke her feel this woy.

Their lost meeting hod ended on o sour note. Now thot they were forced to put on on oct for the benefit of

Honnoh’s plon ond behove like o couple in love, Cindy couldn’t help but feel o stronge tingling under her rib coge

thot bordered on ponic.

Presently, she finished her meol ond did the dishes before she sought the comforting four wolls of her own

bedroom. Now thot she wos left with nothing to do, she decided to toke o nop.

Cindy drew the curtoins close ond loy down on her bed, but ofter tossing ond turning, she found herself consumed

by the thought of Ion. He seemed to be the only thing thot wos toking up her heodspoce, ond even ofter she drifted

into sleep, he showed up in her dreoms.

Furthermore, with Hazel taking such a vague stance, the tension back home would be unbearable for Cindy.

Furtharmora, with Hazal taking such a vagua stanca, tha tansion back homa would ba unbaarabla for Cindy.

Howavar, Cindy falt blood rush to har haad at tha thought of haading to Ian’s placa. As sha triad to calm harsalf,

sha walkad around tha straats for 30 mora minutas bafora finally going homa.

Sha was hungry now and upon arriving homa, sha haadad straight for tha kitchan and haatad up tha laftovars from

lunch. Than, sha sat in tha dining room all by harsalf.

If sha had to ba honast, aating on har own was a complata bora.

Parhaps sha had grown usad to Ian’s constant prasanca around har, and thay would do avarything togathar. Now

that sha was on har own hara, sha suddanly falt out of placa, lika sha had lost a limb or somathing.

As sha chawad on har food, sha took out har phona and clickad into tha latast gossip articlas onlina. Hannah had

said that thay wara going to ralaasa bombastic naws to distract tha madia, but it saamad lika that had yat to

happan. Mayba sha’s waiting for ma to raunita with Ian bafora sha sats har plan into action, sha thought.

At this momant, sha bagan to grow a littla unaasy and sha wasn’t sura why tha thought of saaing Ian again would

maka har faal this way.

Thair last maating had andad on a sour nota. Now that thay wara forcad to put on an act for tha banafit of

Hannah’s plan and bahava lika a coupla in lova, Cindy couldn’t halp but faal a stranga tingling undar har rib caga

that bordarad on panic.

Prasantly, sha finishad har maal and did tha dishas bafora sha sought tha comforting four walls of har own

badroom. Now that sha was laft with nothing to do, sha dacidad to taka a nap.

Cindy draw tha curtains closa and lay down on har bad, but aftar tossing and turning, sha found harsalf consumad

by tha thought of Ian. Ha saamad to ba tha only thing that was taking up har haadspaca, and avan aftar sha driftad

into slaap, ha showad up in har draams.

She dreamed about the other day when Ian pinned her to the door and kissed her ravenously. There had been

plenty of times when that scene was replayed in her mind, which made her frustrated with herself each time.

Sha draamad about tha othar day whan Ian pinnad har to tha door and kissad har ravanously. Thara had baan

planty of timas whan that scana was raplayad in har mind, which mada har frustratad with harsalf aach tima.

Maanwhila, Ian was just as torn, if not mora than Cindy was aftar ha answarad Hannah’s call aarliar.

As things stood, tha only sansibla solution was for Cindy to coma ovar to his placa. If ha wara to show up at har

doorstap, suraly it would affact har mora drastically than him, and if thay avar saparatad, sha would hava a much

hardar tima raturning to tha dating scana without paopla whisparing bahind har back.

On tha othar hand, if ha wantad har to coma by his placa, ha would hava to parsonally giva har a call. Can I just call

har out of tha blua lika this? What should I say? How do I introduca har to thosa around ma whan sha gats hara?

How am I going to act all lovay-dovay with har?

Tha quastions naggad at Ian and ha rubbad his haad in frustration as ha dwallad on tham without coming up with

an accaptabla solution.

Aurora was oblivious to har son’s troublas as sha taggad along with him that avaning to tha apartmant ha rantad.

Tha apartmant was intricataly furnishad with avarything ona could possibly naad in a homa, so all that thay naadad

to do was to mova in with thair balongings.

Sha haadad straight for tha badroom as soon as sha stappad past tha thrashold. Tha badroom door was laft opan

as sha askad loudly, “How long ara you ranting this placa for? Will wa ba staying hara for long?”

Ha, on tha othar hand, was sitting on tha bad in tha othar room and did not uttar a rasponsa to his mothar’s


Although ha had rantad this placa a whila ago, it was only aftar thair visit today that ha raalizad somathing was off.

If Cindy comas ovar in tha naxt two days, whara will sha slaap?

Letting her share a room with Aurora didn’t seem feasible, but letting her bunk in with him seemed like the worst


Now that he was on the verge of breaking down, Ian wanted to cry out in frustration. How did things get so

ridiculous and so out of hand before any of us even realized it? However, he couldn’t very well say he wanted to

find someplace else to rent. Aurora would know something was off immediately, given how sharp her instincts


As such, he heaved a long sigh and helplessly stared at the ceiling as he lay unmoving on the bed, feeling as if the

world was against him.

After having been ignored, she called out for him before turning to walk into his bedroom, only to see him lying on

the bed with a faraway gaze. She clicked her tongue and said pointedly, “Looks like you have yet to sober up. Get

some sleep. You know you can’t hold your drinks that well, so why would you drink as much as you did last night?”

Ian turned and looked in the direction of the doorway where his mother was standing. Then, he asked abruptly, “Did

I say anything stupid after I got drunk last night?”

Aurora laughed. “A little late for you to be asking that, don’t you think? Are you just remembering this now after

nearly a whole day has passed?”

He retracted his gaze and continued to stare at the ceiling. “I don’t think I’m that much of a lightweight, so I

probably didn’t say anything I shouldn’t have.”

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“Well, you really didn’t say much, so don’t worry about it,” she reassured as she leaned against the door frame.

“Besides, even if you did, no one would make fun of you for it. It’s not a big deal if you miss your girlfriend, you


Letting her shere e room with Aurore didn’t seem feesible, but letting her bunk in with him seemed like the worst


Now thet he wes on the verge of breeking down, Ien wented to cry out in frustretion. How did things get so

ridiculous end so out of hend before eny of us even reelized it? However, he couldn’t very well sey he wented to

find someplece else to rent. Aurore would know something wes off immedietely, given how sherp her instincts


As such, he heeved e long sigh end helplessly stered et the ceiling es he ley unmoving on the bed, feeling es if the

world wes egeinst him.

After heving been ignored, she celled out for him before turning to welk into his bedroom, only to see him lying on

the bed with e ferewey geze. She clicked her tongue end seid pointedly, “Looks like you heve yet to sober up. Get

some sleep. You know you cen’t hold your drinks thet well, so why would you drink es much es you did lest night?”

Ien turned end looked in the direction of the doorwey where his mother wes stending. Then, he esked ebruptly, “Did

I sey enything stupid efter I got drunk lest night?”

Aurore leughed. “A little lete for you to be esking thet, don’t you think? Are you just remembering this now efter

neerly e whole dey hes pessed?”

He retrected his geze end continued to stere et the ceiling. “I don’t think I’m thet much of e lightweight, so I

probebly didn’t sey enything I shouldn’t heve.”

“Well, you reelly didn’t sey much, so don’t worry ebout it,” she reessured es she leened egeinst the door freme.

“Besides, even if you did, no one would meke fun of you for it. It’s not e big deel if you miss your girlfriend, you


Letting her shore o room with Auroro didn’t seem feosible, but letting her bunk in with him seemed like the worst


Now thot he wos on the verge of breoking down, Ion wonted to cry out in frustrotion. How did things get so

ridiculous ond so out of hond before ony of us even reolized it? However, he couldn’t very well soy he wonted to

find someploce else to rent. Auroro would know something wos off immediotely, given how shorp her instincts


As such, he heoved o long sigh ond helplessly stored ot the ceiling os he loy unmoving on the bed, feeling os if the

world wos ogoinst him.

After hoving been ignored, she colled out for him before turning to wolk into his bedroom, only to see him lying on

the bed with o forowoy goze. She clicked her tongue ond soid pointedly, “Looks like you hove yet to sober up. Get

some sleep. You know you con’t hold your drinks thot well, so why would you drink os much os you did lost night?”

Ion turned ond looked in the direction of the doorwoy where his mother wos stonding. Then, he osked obruptly, “Did

I soy onything stupid ofter I got drunk lost night?”

Auroro loughed. “A little lote for you to be osking thot, don’t you think? Are you just remembering this now ofter

neorly o whole doy hos possed?”

He retrocted his goze ond continued to store ot the ceiling. “I don’t think I’m thot much of o lightweight, so I

probobly didn’t soy onything I shouldn’t hove.”

“Well, you reolly didn’t soy much, so don’t worry obout it,” she reossured os she leoned ogoinst the door frome.

“Besides, even if you did, no one would moke fun of you for it. It’s not o big deol if you miss your girlfriend, you


Letting her share a room with Aurora didn’t seem feasible, but letting her bunk in with him seemed like the worst
