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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 221
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 221

Book 3 Chapter 57


I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Why would she do this to me?

She’d made me vulnerable in front of her. Just like Anya had done, she claimed she was nothing like

her sister, but for the first time since I’d met Willow, I could finally see similarities between them.

“Why Willow?” I croak. “Why did you intentionally lie to me? What could you have possibly gained by

doing that?”

She doesn’t answer me, and I slowly move my face from her neck to stare into her eyes. They’re wide

with panic. What does she have to be so scared about?

I grab her arms and glare at her, “Are you sure this wasn’t a game for you like it was for Anya? She

constantly played tricks like that on me until, one day; she finally spoke the truth. She confessed that

she never loved me. Are you doing the same thing your sister did to me, Willow?”

Rain begins to pour around us heavily. Willow winces at the roaring thunder and flashes of lightning. I

don’t move an inch. I’m focused on every single movement that she makes as I wait for her to give me

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an answer.

I squeeze her arm tighter, “Answer me, Willow. Answer me!”

My jaw clenches, and I push the door open despite the rain. It didn’t look like I would get an answer

from her.

Her eyes widen, “what are you doing?”

I lift her off me and place her on the seat as I walk out into the rain, leaving her behind. I knew I was in

the middle of the road. I knew I was doing something f*****g risky by being here, but I had no care in

the world right now.

I was pissed, confused, and filled with many emotions I didn’t understand. I needed to calm down

before I spoke to Willow again. I didn’t want to say anything to hurt her.

“Dante!” I could hear Willow screaming my name. “Get back in the jeep! You’re getting soaked!”

Why did she care? She didn’t care a second ago when she lied to me about liking Ares. How do I even

know for sure that it was a lie? Maybe she’d lied to sneak around with Ares behind my back. That was

something Anya was good at doing.

No, Anya didn’t even have to sneak around behind my back. She did it in front of me.

I let out a frustrated roar at my miserable life. The pain never stopped. It always got worse. With Willow

in my life, the pain was not getting any easier for me to handle. She brought a new kind of pain with


I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t realize Willow was running towards me until it was too late.

She crashes into my arms and hugs me tightly against her body.xo.com fast update

“I’m sorry for lying, Dante.” She cries. “I never meant to hurt you. I did it for selfish reasons. I promise

you that I’m nothing like my sister. I will never do the things to you that she did to you. I will never hurt

you as she did. Anya may not have loved you, but I promise I do.”

I didn’t think there was a single word in this world to ease the pain in my chest, but hearing Willow

admit that she was nothing like Anya, hearing her admit that she truly loved me did something to me. It

calmed the storm in my heart.

“I love you, Dante.” She cries against my chest. My breath hitches when she grabs my shirt and

screams, “I love you. Only you. I don’t like anyone else. I promise you’re the only man I’ll ever love for

the rest of my life. I’m not my sister. If I say I love you, I mean it. I love only you.”

I grab Willow from her waist and push her away from me. Her eyes widen, and I can see the pain in her

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eyes from my rejection. f**k me. I couldn’t say no to her. Not when she looked at me like that.

The rejection doesn’t last long because it only takes a second for me to give in to her. Her eyes widen

when I move towards her, she doesn’t move backward from me, and it only pleases me more. I grab

her by her waist and shove her against my Jeep.

I pulled her hair; her head was pushed back so that she could stare straight into my eyes. Damn it.

Why was everything about her so damn perfect? Why couldn’t I gaze into her eyes without acting like a

man who was starving for his woman? What hold did this woman have on me?

“Say it again.”

I needed to hear her say it. I needed to know that she loved me.

Her eyes are filled with raw passion as she whispers, “I love you.”

I move my lips to her ear, gently touching her skin as I growl “louder.”

“I love you.” She obeys.

“Still not f*****g loud enough, Willow,” I growl. “I need you to shout it so that the f*****g world knows you

belong to me. I need you to scream it loud enough so men like Ares Prince know you’re f*****g mine.”

“I LOVE YOU, DANTE!” She screams at the top of her lungs, and my heart is filled with so much joy

that I can barely contain it.

“Thank you for not being anything like Anya,” I whisper against her lips before crashing my mouth to
